
  1. Always give weight
  2. Are you flirting or interested?
  3. Are you just flirting, or are you really serious?
  4. Ask me to dance
  5. Ask me to dance – PLEASE!
  6. Balance and swing
  7. Callers are the grown-ups of contra dancing
  8. Can’t dance – gotta wash my hair
  9. Carpe Swingem
  10. Contra – the gateway dance
  11. Contra culture
  12. Contra dance – an amusement park ride!
  13. Contra dance – be a rebel
  14. Contra dance teaches me right from left
  15. Contra dance!
  16. Contra dancers are well balanced
  17. Contra dancers can’t be de-feeted
  18. Contra dancers do it in lines
  19. Contra dancers do it in the hey
  20. Contra dancers do it on the floor
  21. Contra dancers do it to music
  22. Contra dancers do it with their feet
  23. Contra dancers don’t die – they crossover
  24. Contra dancers engage in premarital sets
  25. Contra dancers have found their calling
  26. Contra dancing is improper
  27. Contra dancing is improperly proper
  28. Contra dancing is proper
  29. Contra gypsy
  30. Contra is just around the corner
  31. Contra is my thing
  32. Contra is the mantra
  33. Contra isn’t for sissies
  34. Contra kid
  35. Contra mantra
  36. Contra slut
  37. Contrabine
  38. Do contras dance?
  39. Don’t even ask
  40. Don’t lose your balance
  41. Feel free to flirt
  42. Flirting allowed
  43. Flirting encouraged
  44. Flirting for fun
  45. Flirting is fun
  46. Flirting occasionally tolerated
  47. Four (4) potatoes please
  48. Friggin’ ask me to dance!
  49. Hands four
  50. Happiness is contra dancing
  51. Have a hey day
  52. He;s my slut muffin
  53. Hey is not for horses
  54. Hey!!!
  55. I ♥ contra dancing
  56. I dance to a different caller
  57. I dance, I flirt, I sweat, I come
  58. I dance, I glisten, I flirt, I leave
  59. I dance, I glisten, I flirt, I leave – alone
  60. I dance, I sweat, I flirt, I come
  61. I dance, I sweat, I flirt, I leave
  62. I dance, I sweat, I flirt, I leave…alone
  63. I don’t book ahead
  64. I don’t book ahead, but for you I’ll make an exception
  65. I I come, I dance, I flirt, I leave
  66. I’m all set to dance
  67. I’m an equal opportunity flirt
  68. I’m contra-ceptive
  69. I’m contra-dictive
  70. I’m contra-ry
  71. If you’re too weird for contra, you’re just too weird
  72. It’s hey not hay
  73. Keep calm and contra on
  74. Lead down or up, just not on
  75. Men line up to dance with me
  76. My first contra dance
  77. My second contra dance
  78. Next neighbor
  79. No twirling
  80. Peace Love Contra Dance
  81. Please don’t twirl me
  82. Please swing slowly
  83. Queen of the gypsies
  84. Sex is the most fun you can have without a caller
  85. She’s just my dance partner
  86. She’s my slut muffin
  87. So many gypsies, so little time
  88. Swang!
  89. The closer you are to the band, the closer you are to heaven
  90. The woman is always right
  91. This hey is not for horses
  92. Twirl and hurl
  93. Twirl and I hurl
  94. Twirl free zone
  95. Twirling makes my head swirl
  96. Twirling me is not good for your health
  97. We dance to a different caller
  98. We love our lines
  99. When in doubt, swing
  100. Will you dance with me?
  101. Women line up to dance with me
  102. You again?
  103. You had me at Hands Four